A Cheat Sheet for Strimzi Kafka CLI

TL;DR: You can download the Strimzi CLI Cheat Sheet from this link if you are curious about Strimzi CLI capabilities and want a kind of quick reference guide for it.
It is a little bit more than one year since I first announced Strimzi Kafka CLI; a command-line interface for Strimzi Kafka Operator.

It was a 4-month-old project back then and I was too excited about the project to share it before it is Beta.

Well now it is a nearly 1.5 years old project that is still in Alpha since there is still a lot to harden for the Beta roadmap but in the meanwhile added many features like creating the operator from the command-line, creating the Kafka cluster with just one command, and managing a Kafka Connect cluster and its connectors with a similar way to the traditional one.
Through this time, I published a variety of videos in the System Craftsman Youtube channel about Strimzi CLI features and how it simplifies Strimzi usage imperatively. Most importantly, shared its advantages over the declarative model by explaining its story in a presentation that I did in an internal event of Red Hat. (Planning to do it publicly as well by submitting the same talk for CFPs)
With a lot of interest in the videos and the posts that I have been sharing from here, I thought that a document that gathers all the current features of the CLI in a summarized way would be great. So I decided to create a cheat sheet for Strimzi Kafka CLI.

After a few months of work (yes, unfortunately, it took a bit long since I have a full-time job🙂), I was able to finish the cheat sheet and find a proper way to distribute it safely.

The cheat sheet has shell command examples for different features of Strimzi CLI. So if you take a quick look at inside, you will see it has 7-8 pages that have more or less the following concepts:
- A short definition of what Strimzi Kafka Operator is
- How Strimzi Kafka CLI works
- How to install it
- Managing Strimzi Kafka Operator via CLI
- Managing Kafka clusters via CLI
- Managing Kafka topics
- Producing and consuming messages
- Managing users
- Managing ACLs
- Managing cluster, topic and user configurations
- Kafka Connect and connectors
You can download the Strimzi CLI Cheat Sheet from this link if you are curious about Strimzi CLI capabilities and want a kind of quick reference guide for it.
Here is a short video that I do a quick walk-through for Strimzi Kafka CLI Cheat Sheet: