Strimzi Kafka CLI Version Update (Strimzi 0.26.1 – 0.28.0)

Hi everyone. I recently updated the Strimzi Kafka CLI to the following Strimzi versions:

  • Strimzi 0.26.1 (for AMQ Streams 2.0.1) – 0.1.0a60
  • Strimzi 0.28.0 (latest) – 0.1.0a61

Note that 0.1.0a61 is the latest version and Strimzi CLI is still in alpha state.

If you are using AMQ Streams 2.0.1, then install Strimzi CLI as follows:

pip install strimzi-kafka-cli==0.1.0a60

If you are using Strimzi 0.28.0 (currently the latest);

By using pip:

pip install strimzi-kafka-cli

By using homebrew:

brew tap systemcraftsman/strimzi-kafka-cli && brew install strimzi-kafka-cli

Or you can upgrade to the latest version, which is currently 0.1.0a61;

By using pip:

pip install strimzi-kafka-cli --upgrade

By using homebrew:

brew upgrade strimzi-kafka-cli

Any updates on Strimzi Kafka CLI will be done on the latest version so the version 0.1.0a60 that is for Strimzi 0.26.1 will not be affected by these changes. There is no LTS support for now for any AMQ Streams version because the CLI is in the alpha state yet.

If you want to use a recent version of the CLI for AMQ Streams 2.0.1 (Strimzi 0.26.1), set the following environment variable to use Strimzi 0.26.1. The current latest version is compatible with Strimzi 0.26.1 as soon as you set the following environment variable.


Stay tuned for future releases. See the current workflow here and contribute if you are interested!

New to Strimzi CLI? Check out this cheat sheet:

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About the author

Aykut Bulgu

Aykut Bulgu, a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on Apache Kafka and Strimzi. Previously, he worked as a software engineer, consultant, and trainer. Aykut worked on many enterprise projects—mainly Java™—and used many open source projects including Red Hat® JBoss® middleware.