All posts in "Cloud Native"

Change Data Capture with CockroachDB and Strimzi

By Aykut Bulgu / June 13, 2022

Dealing with data is hard in the Cloud-native era, as the cloud itself has many dynamics, and microservices have their unique data-relevant problems. As many patterns emerge after dealing with similar problems over and over, technologists invented many data integration patterns to solve those data-related problems. Change Data Capture (CDC) is one of those data […]


A Cheat Sheet for Strimzi Kafka CLI

By Aykut Bulgu / August 31, 2021

TL;DR: You can download the Strimzi CLI Cheat Sheet from this link if you are curious about Strimzi CLI capabilities and want a kind of quick reference guide for it. It is a little bit more than one year since I first announced Strimzi Kafka CLI; a command-line interface for Strimzi Kafka Operator. It was […]


Messaging Architectures for Cloud-Native Applications

By Aykut Bulgu / December 1, 2020

Table of Contents 1. Traditional Applications and Monoliths 1.1. Benefits and Drawbacks 2. Cloud-Native Applications and Microservices 2.1. Challenges 2.1.1. State 2.1.2. Synchronous Communication 2.2. Challenging the Challenges 2.2.1. Asynchronous Messaging and Messaging Architectures Point-to-Point Publish-Subscribe Hybrid model 2.2.2. Events & Event Sourcing 2.2.3. Change Data Capture 2.2.4. Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) 2.3. Solutions […]

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